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The Best Advice We've Received From Our Mothers

mom with two children wearing matching rainbow pajamas mom with two children wearing matching rainbow pajamas

Parenthood is a journey, but it’s not one you have to travel on alone. The moment you become a mother, however you become a mother, you enter a new, special club. Motherhood connects us, and while we all may approach raising our children differently, we can all learn from each other and the mother figures who raised us. 

As Mother’s Day approaches, we turned to our community to find out the best advice they ever received from their mom or mother figure. Here's what they shared:

Trust yourself

“My mom (7 kids of her own!) always tells me to stand strong in my convictions & that I don’t have to explain myself or choices we make for our family to anyone.” Tori M.

“My mother always told me to be true to myself, no matter the consequence. Having a good heart will heal all wounds.” Emma J.

“Your instincts are more on point than any amount of advice you could receive. Trust that momma intuition!” Allison K.

Self-care makes you a better parent

“You are never a bad mom for needing time to yourself sometimes. You are a person too.” Murphy C.

“Don't be afraid to do what you need to be the best version of yourself and therefore the best mom you can be. Therapy, medication, exercise, etc. You need to take care of yourself before you can take care of your precious babes!” Emily R.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

“It is not an insult when people offer to help you. They don’t think you are failing, a bad mother, lazy, etc. Consider it a blessing to know you have people who love you and want to make sure you are happy and healthy, by lending a hand.” Alexandra O.

Always pause first

“The 24-hour rule. Always wait 24 hours before reacting to a situation so that you don’t just act out of pure emotion.” Julie H.

“Count to 4. Anytime you’re upset with them, count to 4.” Stephanie P.

Snuggles are the best 

“The housework can wait. Hold that baby if you want even if that's all you do all day.” Autumn S.

Parenthood goes by fast, appreciate every moment 

“Savor every moment! Even the not-so-fun ones. One day you’ll look back and wish for the mess and the chaos.” Kenzie F.

“You only have 18 summers to cherish with each of your little ones. Make them count.” Ashlee M.

“The days are long, but the years are short. SOAK IT IN!” Brianna H.

Don’t give up

“Successful mothers are not the ones that never struggled. they are the ones that never give up despite the struggles.” Cassidy G.

You don’t have to be perfect

“Don't stress yourself out trying to be perfect. Your baby won't care if their nursery is the perfect theme or all the laundry is put away. Love fiercely and enjoy every moment.” Christen C.

Life gets messy

“Let them be kids! Let them get dirty, let them experience things & let them figure out if something isn’t going to work.”  Kelly M.

Don’t play the comparison game

“Do not compare your experiences to others. Having a child with delays and struggles, it’s the best advice. Everyone goes at their own pace, we all do. Celebrate the NOW, because tomorrow is a mystery.” Kristen W.

“Lean into the good. If something works for you and your family, don’t focus on feelings of guilt if those decisions upset someone else. Instead, focus on how fortunate you are to have found what’s right for your family.” Erikka R.

Have fun! 

“Have fun! Try and reach for a positive thought each morning, because life is too short to always worry about the what if’s.” Katie W.

“Don’t forget to play. Children learn best through play. We get so busy as moms trying to keep the house in order and to take care of everyone that sometimes we forget to take a break and play along with our kids.” Leah Q.

“Laugh with your kids every day and give infinite amounts of grace.” Trevor H.

Keep learning 

“Take the time to learn as you go! you’ll never have it all figured out before it starts!” Sophie T.

“Always be willing to learn FROM your children, just because you are the adult, doesn’t mean they can’t teach you something!” Brittney G.

“Treat your children with the same respect you treat adults with. Listen to them, learn from them, be kind to them. They are just little humans after all.” Tracy O.

Motherhood is the most incredible journey and we couldn't be happier to be on it with you. To connect with other like-minded parents, be sure to join our community on Facebook and follow along with us on Instagram.

1 Comment

  • B. Homan


    These comments are treasures. I absolutely LOVE each and every one. Thank you for doing something so meaningful and special….. They are as wonderful as your pj’s.

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