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Make Newborn Life Easier with These 10 Mom Hacks

Jessica Reyman

Jessica Reyman

Image of a mother holding her baby with a cloud, moon, and stars background Image of a mother holding her baby with a cloud, moon, and stars background

Life as a new parent is truly a whirlwind. Every time you look at your sweet new arrival, you're experiencing love like you've never known it before, and it can knock you off your feet. You're also surviving on less sleep than even the college-era version of yourself was used to, which can make for some wacky emotions. Never fear, mama!

We've all been there, and we're here to cheer you on, offer support, and share our favorite tips to make adjusting to life with a newborn just a little bit easier.

Read on for some of my favorite mom hacks, along with inside tips from the moms on Team LS!

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Prep & Freeze Easy, Healthy Meals

When I was still pregnant with my twins (so, very pregnant), I went a little crazy for freezer meal prep. Simple, healthy recipes that could be quickly cooked or baked, then frozen and defrosted later on, were a must-have for keeping us fed after the babies were born.

We used easy Instant and Crock-Pot recipes, but no fancy gadgets are actually required for baby meal planning. Batch cook something delicious and healthy like these Superhero Muffins and toss in the freezer! They're easy enough to pop out individually and thaw later on for a speedy, filling snack. Lasagnas and hearty soups are also sure to please and don't require a ton of hands-on work after they've been frozen: just defrost, heat, and enjoy. It might not seem like much, but a little pre-planning in the meal department will save you a ton of stress during the early weeks of those postpartum days, and you'll be glad. you did it!

"I wasn't sure what life was going to be after I had a baby so while I was in "nesting mode" I made some easy meals and recipes that could be frozen and ready for our family once baby arrived. The two I remember working the best were Superhero Muffins (delicious and filled with nutritious ingredients) and turkey chili!" - Lindsay M., Marketing

Set Up Multiple Diaper Stations

Bringing home a baby comes with a lot of changes - diaper changes, that is! Save yourself some steps by setting up multiple diapering stations throughout your house. One on each level is a great place to start, or simply a few in places where you're spending most of your time bonding with your new baby.

A bedside changing station, for example, will save you a sleepy walk to the nursery in the dark and ensure that you get back to bed a little bit faster during those middle of the night changes. Pack your station with diapers, wipes, diaper cream and a change of clothing for those inevitable newborn blowouts.

"We set up two, one in our living room and one in our bedroom. It made night time changes so much easier to have everything in the bedroom rather than stumbling around to another room in the dark. Bonus tip: Add a press on nightlight to your bedroom station for easy visibility!" - Rebecca L., Logistics Manager

Create a Baby Essentials Basket

Whether it's a diaper bag, basket, or even a three-tier rolling cart, having the most essential baby items within arms reach is the greatest gift you can give to your postpartum self. Pack your "baby go-bag" with any and everything that will make mom-life easier.

Things like diapers, wipes, extra changes of clothing and socks are easy to remember, but also include the oft-forgotten hand sanitizer and infant nail files to avoid dirty hands and scratched faces! Keeping your must-haves at the ready will keep you feeling confident and ensure that you're prepared for anything that your newborn can throw at you (which, let's be honest...will mostly be spit-up!)

Image of an infant swaddled in a Rust Rainbows Swaddle and Luxe Bow Headband Set

Keep a Donation Basket In The Closet

When everyone swears that they newborn days fly by, they aren't kidding! Though it's an old cliche, you won't believe how quickly your little one is going to outgrow all of those impossibly tiny and sweet outfits in their wardrobe.

Prevent clutter in the nursery by keeping a "donation" (or "keep for the next baby!") basket in the closet. Once you realize that your baby has outgrown something, toss it in the basket to keep it out of the day to day clothing rotation. When the basket is full, or you're simply ready to size up your kiddo's clothing, box everything up and send it on its way.

"Kids grow like weeds so we add a 'too small' box to our closet and encourage our kids to drop the items there if they no longer fit. This allows us to easily pick up the items that are too small and donate or pass them down to friends and family." - Agnes S., Marketing

Choose Stretchy Sleepwear That Lasts Longer

While there's no way to avoid baby's impressive growth spurts, you can buy yourself some time by investing in buttery soft, super stretchy newborn clothes and PJs! From Infant Gowns and Zippies to the sweetest Swaddles, Little Sleepies sleepwear is a must-have for the newborn days and beyond.

Made from our custom-milled Lunaluxe® Bamboo, the softness and stretch-factor are unmatched (up to three times longer than other fabrics!) and will guarantee a longer fit on even the fastest growing little sprout.

Bonus Tip: Swaddling your newborn helps them feel secure, and can prevent their involuntary "startle" reflex from accidentally waking your sleeping sweetheart. Just remember to stop swaddling after your baby begins showing signs of rolling!

Use White Noise for Better Sleep

Are we sensing a theme here? With a newborn in the house, sleep — or lack thereof — is a hot topic of conversation. Thankfully, there are plenty of tips to try and ensure that everyone in your household can catch a few extra ZZZs!

The white noise machine is a must-have on every mom's list of baby sleep essentials, and for good reason. Babies are accustomed to the sound of white noise from months in the womb, and recreating that environment can help even the fussiest newborns feel secure enough for some shut eye. Dim the lights and fire up the sound machine of your choice, and hopefully you'll both be drifting off to dreamland before you know it.

"We've used the rainstorm/thunderstorm white noise machine with the kids since they were little and now they're not afraid of thunderstorms. In fact, they sleep right through them!" - Agnes S., Marketing

Set Up A Nighttime Feeding Station

Nighttime feedings will be frequent during the early weeks of bringing home baby, so make sure you have your feeding essentials at your fingertips. Set up a dedicated late night feeding station wherever you and baby will be sleeping, and pack it with must-haves for the middle of the night. Whether you're breast or bottle feeding, keep things like water, snacks, diapers, and wipes within reach.

Nursing mamas should keep their favorite nursing pillow close at hand, and bottle feeding parents may find that pre-measuring formula into a dispenser makes bleary-eyed bottle making just a little bit easier.

Afraid of the dark? A soft press-on light on your bedside will help illuminate your way while keeping things dim and soothing. A little planning ahead for the middle of the night feeds will help you and your babe get back to sleep sooner!

Image of an infant laying on a Luna Neutral Fitted Crib Sheet and wearing a Luna Neutral Zippy

Take Advantage of Grocery Apps

...And delivery! Once you've gone through all of your frozen prepared dishes, and the "new baby meal train" has left the station, you're still going to need to eat. The idea of going to the grocery store might feel like torture, but worry not, tired mama! The greatest invention of our time already exists.

Stock your fridge and pantry from the comfort of your own couch and outsource the food delivery with a couple of taps on your phone. This is a time of your life where it's absolutely okay, encouraged, even, to outsource as much as possible — giving you more time to bond with your new arrival. Preserve your sanity, and your precious time with your newborn, and leave the grocery shopping to the professionals!

"The Walmart Grocery App is my holy grail! I use that app more than some of my other grocery pick-up apps near me because they have a section for recipes! So you open the Walmart grocery app, look for the recipes button on the top and it'll pull up a bunch of recipes. Click on the recipe you like, and it can add all the items you need to make the meal to your cart without having to go in and search for each one! You can even update the amount of servings!" - Sarah G., Customer Support

Prioritize a Little Self-Care, Every Day

Motherhood, especially new motherhood, is a rollercoaster, and it's easy to lose yourself on the ride. Here's the thing, though. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your baby. You can't pour from an empty cup, and your newborn needs a healthy, happy mama in order to truly thrive!

No matter if it's just taking time for a hot shower and a cup of tea, prioritize yourself a little each day, no matter how impossible it may feel. Accept help when it's available to you, and tell that guilty voice in the back of your head to hush! You are doing an incredible thing — raising little people is no joke. You deserve care now more than ever! Whatever that care looks like, you'll come back to your baby feeling more refreshed and able to do your best.

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Whether you're a brand new mama or a seasoned veteran, bringing home a newborn is completely life changing. As you're learning yourself in this new role, and learning who your new baby is, feel confident that you got this, because you absolutely do!

Even during the challenging moments, you are the most perfect mother for your baby. And in those stressful moments, remember these tricks from the mamas who walked before you and want to see you thrive!

You're doing an amazing job, never forget that.

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  • Gwen


    Definitely feeling nervous about baby’s arrival this summer! Articles like this are helpful, and it’s been fun to look through the website and put different products on my registry.

  • Dani B


    I’m welcoming my second son next week and these tips were so helpful! It’s crazy how much one forgets from the first time around (and for me that was only a year and a half ago!). Love the idea of a nighttime changing station those first months when baby is in the room in their bassinet. Also, I threw a nesting party this time, and 8 of my girlfriends helped meal prep stuff for my deep freezer so I can eat without dealing with prep post partum and I know that will really come in handy!

  • Jocelyn Lawson


    As a mama of a 4 month old currently, we survived the newborn stage by these three things! We kept baby in a bedside bassinet at night so I never had to leave my bed for middle of the night feeds. We stuck to a three hour schedule of feed/wake/sleep which was so helpful in having predictability in babies care for the day! And of course, we kept baby in LS zippies for ease of diaper changes with the two way zipper, soft fabric, and hand/feet fold overs!

  • Ashleigh


    These are all really good suggestions!!! Being a new mom i had to pick some of this up over time, i wish i found this sooner! I will say our favorites were the hatch machine and our bamboo sleepers! The stretch the bamboo had made diaper changes so much easier then using cotton or thick footies from the store. Next baby we will definitely be getting LS bamboo a lot sooner!!

  • Megan Buboltz


    Omg yes to multiple diaper stations! We change babies diaper anywhere and so having supplies in the living room and bedrooms is helpful! Also having little sleepies since they stretch so much is helpful for how fast they grow!

  • Tori


    These are all great tips! I have twins coming in less than two weeks so I will be following these the best I can. I love the night time feeding station idea.

  • Raequel


    Just remember, it gets easier! You hear a lot about the tough times, but don’t forget to soak in the good times.

  • Brandi Meyers


    Love these tips! Another one that was a life saver for me as a combo feeder and exclusive pumper was having a mini fridge in our bedroom! I would store my pump parts and milk in the mini fridge so I didn’t have to wash them in the middle of the night. We also kept pre-measured formula and bottles ready to go as well!

  • Courtney G


    I started leaving a basket in the bottom of the closet with my second child for outgrown clothes, and that was and still is a game changer! Helps so much in keeping your closet more organized. Great tips!

  • Patty R.


    Very helpful information. I put together a rolling utility cart with everything we need throughout the day and roll it around the house for whatever room we are in.

  • Jolene Hadaway


    As a mom and a therapist I can’t echo taking time for yourself enough! As new moms we often overlook that and eventually it catches up to you so please prioritize yourself 🫶🏻

  • Sarah


    I love all of these tips! I’ve shared so many ideas with my daughter that just had a baby on Saturday. Anything that can help new moms adjust easier is always helpful.

  • Kristin


    We LOVE to use our Hatch white noise during bedtime while wearing our Little Sleepies. You just have to find what is right for you and baby and adjust accordingly, mama’s!

  • Fiona Sarah


    The newborn stage can be so overwhelming! I learnt so much by reading other moms experiences.

  • Tiffanie Ruiz


    Find time for you! As mamas, we’re wired to put others first and we sometimes forget to take care of ourself. Even if it means ordering yourself your favorite $10 coffee for delivery-don’t forget about you! If you’re tired-take that nap while baby is napping! If you’re craving something-get it girl! If you’re tired of laundry-hide it until you’re not tired haha.

  • Kayla Buchanan


    I always keep a basket of must have baby items in the car for when we leave and accidentally forget diapers, wipes, bags for diapers or extra changes of clothes for baby!! I always keep a shirt for me as well! Give yourself some grace! It goes by too fast to worry. ❤️

  • Nadine Horn


    The stretchy pajamas are a must! They get little one a little extra room to grow.
    I also love having the 3 tier cart – especially for high time feeds and diaper changes.

    Great tips!

  • Hannah


    Don’t worry. You’ll find your rhythm and what works for you. You will be just fine!

  • Vicky


    Take shifts with your partner! It was rough at first but once we figured it out and allowed each other our “me” times, it made a huge difference!

  • Jenna


    White noise is a life saver! Currently have some playing for my son while he sleeps in his little sleepies!

  • Megan Southwick


    The donation basket section of this reading is a must. My kids are growing out of their clothes and shoes quickly , i have a bag set in both my daughter’s closet and my son’s closet.

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