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Mama-of-Four Laney M.'s Holiday Survival Tips

four drawings of various christmas related icons four drawings of various christmas related icons

In this blog, we share content creator and mama-of-four Laney Morello's real-world tips on surviving the holidays — from embracing the mess to creating fun traditions, and carving out a little intentional 'me time.'

If we're being real, the holiday season brings more than just good tidings and cheer. Between organizing festive gatherings, crafting family meals, and keeping your little ones polished for the occasion, it can be a lot all at once. Luckily, Laney has all the hilariously relatable tips for embracing the chaos and tapping into that perfectly imperfect holiday magic.

Let's face it: No holiday season goes off without a hitch, but these tips will help you laugh through the mishaps and make the most of the madness... all while creating sweet memories you and the family will cherish.

So, grab a cozy drink — whether it's hot cocoa or a well-deserved glass of wine — and read through her sanity-saving advice for enjoying the season and all it brings.

Little Sleepies sleepy eyes logo

Master the Art of "Holiday Decor Blindness"

When you find yourself scratching your head at your kids' homemade ornaments that look like a cross between a glue stick massacre and a glitter bomb, flip the script and declare it modern art. After all, Picasso wasn't exactly painting inside the lines, either. And while it may not be ready for the Guggenheim, your little one's creations are perfect in their own unique way! Hang them with pride and let your tree sparkle in all its kooky glory. We can all agree it's the love and laughter behind each art project that truly matters!

Image of two children wearing Fireside Plaid pajamas with a drawing of a Christmas tree on the right
Featured Styles: Fireside Plaid Two-Piece Pajama Set and Zippy

Holiday Hide-and-Seek

When the guests are about to arrive, your sugar cookies are still cooling on the rack, and your kids are running around with tinsel in their hair — it's time for a game of hide and seek! (You hide, they seek.) Can you think of a better excuse for carving out a five-minute breather? Pro tip: Hide in the pantry and sneak a bite of the peppermint bark (you know, the one treat they miraculously haven't discovered yet).

Create a Culinary Family Tradition

When we look back on holiday memories, it's the special family traditions that usually stand out. Whether it's baking grandma's famous pie or decorating a gingerbread house that somehow ends up collapsing every year, these are the moments that really stick with us. And creating your own is one of the sweetest joys of parenthood! Set aside a day to let the kiddos unleash their creativity in the kitchen and mix in their favorite ingredients — think chocolate chips, gummy bears, and sparkly sprinkles. It might mean embracing a flour-covered countertop, but just remember: the messier, the merrier!

Image of two children wearing Fireside Plaid pajamas drinking hot cocoa with drawings of hot cocoa on the left
Featured Styles: Fireside Plaid Two-Piece Pajama Set and Zippy

Capture the "Real" Moments

Every mom knows that capturing that picture-perfect holiday snapshot is usually a pipe dream. When your baby is busy pulling ornaments off the tree and your toddler won't stop twirling in circles (in their Little Sleepies Twirl Dresses, of course), getting the whole crew in the frame is an achievement in itself. So why not embrace the chaos? Instead of striving for a Royals-level shot, let the kids do their thing — make silly faces, strike a fun pose, or sneak into the background with their best ninja moves. The more playful, the better! After all, those authentic moments are bound to spark more conversation hanging on the fridge than an overly posed photo ever could.

Image of two children wearing Green Twinkling Trees pajamas with drawings of gingerbread cookies on the left
Featured Styles: Green Twinkling Trees Two-Piece Pajama Set and Zippy

Practice the "Slow Down" Mindset

Remember to slow down and take a moment for yourself when needed. A little mindfulness goes a long way during the holiday hustle, and even if you can only steal 20 minutes to enjoy your favorite podcast or squeeze in some quick stretches, you'll feel more centered and ready to tackle whatever's next on your list. Let's not forget that the holidays are all about making warm memories that stay in your heart for years to come. Whether it's cozying up on the couch with hot cocoa, watching The Grinch or Home Alone, or taking a quiet walk to look at the snow, encourage your littles to pause and soak in the magic, too!

Blame It on the Elf

Enough said :)

Little Sleepies sleepy eyes logo

As you navigate the season, remember that it's the little moments — messy or magical — that truly make the season special. So, embrace the imperfections, let the laughter flow, and enjoy every bit of the holiday hustle with your nearest and dearest.


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  • Kate


    I’m currently 9 months pregnant. So iPad and lots of snuggles with my 3 year old is how I’m currently surviving 😂 I’m not sure what’s going to happen the rest of winter, other than more surviving with a toddler and a newborn! Wish me luck 😂😂

  • Dana Daniels


    Love these reminders I could always use the reminder to slow down. Seems like during the busy season i end up just going through the motions to get through. One of our family traditions we do every year is we dress up in our matching pjs and go and and drive around before bed on Christmas Eve and look at everyone’s holiday lights and decorations. Our kids love it plus they can’t resist to fall asleep in the car so it makes putting them to bed easier.

  • Cassie


    Our family tradition is watching the grinch on Christmas Eve in matching pajamas and baking all the cookies for Santa. Last year, our new puppy ate them and made the kids so upset but this year we have already been laughing about the memory. I’m excited for my kids to see the little sleepies goodies they are getting this year!
    Make the mess! They are only little for a little while ❤️

  • Sydney adams


    I love building memories with my kids. This year our greatest gift was adding one more to our family. I’m excited for traditions to be carried on and to use my grandmothers Christmas ornaments! My kids have become obsessed with a decoration I got from my grandpa after she passed. This will be our second year keeping her traditions going and I’m so excited for my kids

  • Lauren Dell


    We have a long standing holiday tradition (from my grandma & I) of baking Christmas cookies together on Christmas Eve. Me, my mom, my daughter & my MIL now carry on the tradition. We will have a new baby girl to join in on the tradition next year when my 2nd baby girl is born in March. We also wear matching Little Sleepies pants while cutting out & baking them.

  • Cassie Moscato


    I love these tips!! It really is the small things that make you appreciate life and all its moments!! This year is a bit different for us as my 11 year old no longer believes in Santa and her elf but it has been different in a good way as she now lovesssss to move the elf and come up with different ideas for her 2 year old sister to wake up to. I love seeing her creative side come out and it’s just so special that she can join in on the fun of elf on the shelf as well!!

  • Bethany Gustin


    Ooh!!! Thinking about Little Sleepies and Christmas traditions… I need National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation print for next Christmas!!!

  • Alyssa Osborne


    Embracing the chaos is the real meaning to giving the kiddos the best holiday season ❤️ My house, decor, or gifts aren’t all pretty and perfect anymore but I wouldn’t trade life with little hands getting into everything for nothing. They make the holiday season so much more special

  • Heather E.


    Thanks for the reminder to slow down. We always seem to rush so much during the holiday season. My third born also turns 1 on Dec. 9th and this is his first “real” Christmas. I want it to be magical and for me to be present!!

  • Jenna


    lol blame it on the elf! 😂 definitely gotta practice the slow down mindset alittle more

  • Diana Messick


    I love Little Sleepies! They have quality onesies for my new grandson. Take a moment away from the Holiday madness and enjoy each soft, little cuddle.

  • Vicki Verheyen


    Having a New pair of Pajamas was always our Family Tradition going on 3rd generation and I’m so Excited I found sleepies through my Daughter because the Grandbabies get blessed with Little Sleepies for their Christmas pjs ❤️ 💙

  • Sara Farber


    Love these sweet reminders. I know we need to slow down and enjoy the moments. Our guy just turned 2 and wants to help with everything these days. So excited to have him help “mix mix mix” as he says for our Christmas baking.

  • Ella M.


    As a mom of four, with 3 under 3 I like to plan ahead but stay realistic. I start early with gift shopping, meal planning, and scheduling events. To keep the kids busy, I prepare a stash of holiday crafts, put on their favorite holiday movies, or set up other activities to keep them entertained while I tackle holiday tasks.

  • Kristen


    Honestly sticking to my boundaries and just being very upfront about them has helped us over the holidays. Some people aren’t happy about it but my husband and I always have each others back and make sure we’re on the same page before leaving and knowing what’s best for our family.

  • Jocelyn Lawson


    I so appreciate all these tips as I head into the holiday season with a new baby and a toddler! Especially the tip about the perfect holiday photo because, let’s face it, a baby and a toddler looking at the camera both is NOT an easy task!

  • Carla


    Yes! Family traditions are everything. Since I was little my close family always got together , cooked dishes together and watched holiday movies . I continued this tradition with my own little family and I love it. We also take pictures with matching pijamas and see our kiddos grow through the years . Happy holidays everyone!

  • Kayla Weston


    Can confirm that the culinary family tradition tip is a GREAT one! Since I was a little girl, the weekend before Christmas my mom, sister, grandma and I would all get together to bake cookies for my family and our extended family (aunts, uncles and cousins). We spend the whole day baking and it’s so much fun! I am grown up with kids of my own now and it’s been such a joy being able to continue the tradition with them!

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