Pack the snacks!
As the kids head back to school, it’s time to pack the snacks. If you have a picky eater on your hands, or if your child’s school is nut free and you need to be mindful of allergens, it can be challenging to come up with fresh, yummy ideas every day of the week. We’ve got you covered with a little help from our friends!

The ABCs of Back to School Snacks
While cheesy bunnies, fruit snacks, and granola bars are delicious and often the go-to snacks for kids, nutritionist Jennifer Anderson of Kids Eat in Color says, “snack food is usually very high in simple carbohydrates and low in protein, and kids burn through simple carbohydrates really fast” leading to meltdowns and endless requests for more snacks. What to do? Jennifer says when packing snacks, parents should keep in mind this formula:
“Fat source + protein source + fruit + veggie”
A few healthy snack ideas include:
- Avocado (Spritz with lemon juice to keep it from browning!)
- Cheese Stick
- Yogurt
- Apples with Sunbutter
- Roasted Chickpeas
- Bell Peppers
- Carrot Sticks
- Cucumbers
- Blueberries
- Applesauce
Once Upon a Farm makes nutritious fruit and veggie blends (with no added sugar!) that make great snacks on the go. The morning school routine can be hectic, so Once Upon Farm’s pouches are perfect for busy mornings. Just throw a pouch (or two) in your child’s backpack as you head out the door. They can last up to four hours!
For more snacking tips and tricks, read Jennifer’s blog post. Mama of three and food blogger Catherine McCord of Weelicious also shares some great ideas.
It’s Time for Lunch!
The classic PB&J is often a lunchtime favorite, but schools typically ask parents to refrain from sending nuts. Roasted turkey, ham, avocado, or cream cheese makes great sandwich alternatives. If your kiddos cannot go without PB&J, try sun butter as a swap. Throw in a cheese stick, pretzels, whole grain crackers, fruit, veggie, and VOILA! Lunch is served.
Back to School Lunch Ideas
For more healthy lunch ideas, we’ve rounded up a few ideas from our blogger friends:
- Weelicious: School Lunch Inspiration
- Jacqui Saldana: Mila's Preschool Lunches & Quick Snack Ideas
- Styled Snapshots: Bentgo Lunchbox Ideas
- Taryn Newton: Back to School Guide
- Isn’t That Charming: 15 Easy + Healthy Packed Lunch Ideas For Your Kiddos
- For allergy-friendly ideas: 10 Allergy-Free School Lunch Box Ideas for Kids
- For vegan lunch inspiration: Sweet Potato Soul has the best recipes!

Bon Appetit! Have any tried and true healthy lunch ideas? Feel free to share them below or connect with us on social at @littlesleepies.